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If you are interested in learning about weight pull, we now offer an intro to weight pull course which is 6 weeks long for $225/dog and wil run on Wed nights from 8-9pm.  This course will teach you all the basics of the sport and tips and tricks on how to succeed with your specific dog.  Successful attendance and completion of this course is a pre-requisite for acceptance into our club practice nights.  Please message us for availability of our next class!


Sean Hammell
Western Canada Pull Club

Rules for class and practice:
Come with your dog on leash
Bring a crate for your dog
Bring treats / motivation / reward for your dog
No dog to dog interaction
No dogs in heat
Have fun!

These rules are all for the safety of you and your dog to ensure we all have a safe, fun, useful training sessions!

Hope to see everybody out at a pull sometime soon!

Upcoming competitions:

July 13-14, 2024 - Turn Up The Heat - APA Wheels on Natural (Grass)

Sept 21-22, 2024 - September Strongdog - APA Sanctioned Wheels on Carpet

Weigh in for all pulls is at 9:30am with a 10:00am start time.   Entry fees for IWPA pulls are $25 CAD per dog per day plus you must be an IWPA member ($50 CAD for the season).  Entry feed for APA/Irondog dual sanctioned pulls are $30 CAD per dog per day (no membership required).


“To use vast experience to grow the sport of weight pull for all sizes and breeds by employing safe, healthy, low-impact methods to strengthen the dog’s mind, body, and handler bond at a measured pace, focusing of achieving varied handler goals ranging from exercise and confidence building up to international championship level competition.”

How to find us

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